
Birdie Robot Golf, L.L.C. was initially founded to create a marriage of two passions: cartoons and golf. This initial idea has turned into so much more in a short period of time. Once the characters and the story started taking shape, we started to envision how we could use our intellectual property for more than just visual entertainment.

Growing into merchandise was one of many logical next steps. As such, we started working with manufacturers and providers to develop our own line of golf-related products, starting with custom golf balls, hats, shirts and ball markers. Seeing the results and the quality of the merchandise available got us excited. There are so many additional items we are looking into for future development. We can’t wait to share those with you!

For now, know that we are passionate about creating a story that will make you laugh, cringe, possibly a bit sad or angry. For us, it is the relatability and the painful familiarity of the ups & downs of playing this easy to love and hate game that triggers those emotions even as we are just drafting each comic strip.

Development has been an up & down endeavor all by itself, which at one point also involved asking Chat GPT for some help.

Although the main story arc is now completely developed and written down, we are still working on the individual comic strip jokes to move the story forward. Many parts have been drafted. Others still need some work.

We are also at the beginning, with the help of our expert collaborating artist, CZero, to create professional-looking work for your enjoyment. But we need your help. Work of this quality does not come free. We are launching a Kickstarter campaign to cover our costs to complete the work needed as well as to create the merch that will enable sustainable growth. Back our campaign on Kickstarter by clicking on the Kickstarter image below.

We appreciate your support and look forward to providing hours of entertainment for you as well as beautiful and useful golf-related merchandise for your use.

Please refer to the guidelines shown below for participating in our community.

The Birdie Robot Team of Cool Cats *

And our Expert Collaborating Artist CZero

Guidelines for Participating in Birdie Robot Golf Community Spaces

As Birdie Robot Golf expands, we are and will be overseeing various platforms including live event spaces, a Discord server, and Kickstarter campaigns. To foster a positive experience within these spaces, we’ve established guidelines to encourage exemplary conduct. These guidelines outline key behaviors we value and expect from our community members. Please note, this list isn’t exhaustive but highlights principles we find crucial. We’ll adapt these rules as needed and welcome your input on how to refine them as our community evolves.

Act with Kindness—We’re all part of this community to support and engage with each other. The goal is to have meaningful conversations, challenge perspectives, and connect over digital platforms. This can only happen in an environment free from hostility and disrespect. Consider whether your contributions add value to the conversation and strive to maintain a positive atmosphere.

Practice Empathy—Give everyone the benefit of the doubt, understanding that we all aim to do our best. If you find content that seems problematic, seek clarification before jumping to conclusions. Instead of engaging with content that violates our standards, report it quietly and contact us directly.

Communicate Clearly—When seeking information or feedback, be precise about your request and provide sufficient context to facilitate understanding. Address complex issues by sharing personal experiences rather than making broad generalizations.

Foster Inclusivity—Our mission is to create welcoming spaces for everyone involved, whether online or otherwise. Think about how your words might be perceived by others and avoid comments that could be seen as derogatory or exclusionary. Our aim is to make everyone feel valued and included.

Share Quality Contributions—We encourage you to share your most insightful and substantial content with the community. When providing feedback, take the time to offer constructive and thoughtful critique. We’re thrilled to have you with us and look forward to your contributions.

Be Responsible—Reflecting on and learning from experiences, especially in conflicts, is vital. Consider your role in any disputes and commit to positive changes moving forward.

Reporting Unacceptable Behavior—If you encounter behavior that breaches our guidelines, report it directly and let our team handle the situation.

Communication Channels—For issues or discussions:

  • At conventions, approach the event host.
  • On Discord, message a moderator.
  • On Kickstarter, send us a direct message.
  • For other concerns, email support@birdierobot.com.

Violations of these rules will prompt a discussion, aiming to guide you back to constructive participation. However, repeated or severe infractions may lead to exclusion from our community spaces, events, or projects.

* Our profile images come from a previous, badly timed NFT project of ours. If you are interested, you may find them at Opensea.